Guy Hayes – ‘Georgie’ (Trad)
Guy Hayes – ‘Georgie’ (Trad) Guest appearance 07/04/14.
The Brighton Acoustic Folk Music Session
Now at the Prince Albert, 48 Trafalgar Street, Brighton, Sussex on the first Monday of the month.
Given that there is no PA setup, most of the regular performers have a folk / bluegrass / country background, whether performing traditional or original material.
Admission is free – with collection.

Comments / Feedback Appreciated!

Nerdy Videography Rant:

Why do I bother? Well, I am working towards learning ultra-portable videography /archiving on a tight budget and there is no substitute for doing!

I recorded 24 times PAL WVGA = 480p, 30 frames per second videos because they upload in the real world (not fast, industry web-connection speeds), also that is the maximum frame rate for free YouTube accounts. 1 of 16 videos! If each video takes 14 minutes to upload then I spend 224 minutes, or 3.7 hours just doing that for free! That does not include editing videos and writing / corresponding and updating comments etc.

The stereo microphone needs to be nearer and in-between the performers to get a better sound, where the lead is likely to get yanked and the stands knocked over, equipment wrecked, etc! Should I have looked for a microphone stand and used a stereo 3.5 mm extension lead? The +20dB boost on the microphone distorts slightly on the double bass and adds background noise. The tripod stand is microphonic, picking up the stereo downstairs through the floorboards (I need to isolate that)! I was slightly too near and too far to the side to get a good viewing angle on the banjo type instrument and could not zoom out more.

N.B. Piss poor lighting… worse than last time… I am glad I brought two LED lights. I used a 05 heat resistant rose filter on the 9W Cool White LED COB G10 Bulb, (my first experimental use of new, not too hot, budget technology from It was mounted on the flash bar. Perhaps, I should have used a matt white disco diffuser too (see shiny scalp), that might melt though (probably OK in front of bulb)! Dazzling annoys the performers. Maybe, I shall try illuminating the side wall drape indigo/blue (behind the performers another time) as black is rather dull!

The stage lighting would not swivel (the venue needs loose, nylon insert ‘locking nuts’ from Namrick Portland Rd and also to loosen the bolts to allow lamp tilt… use ‘nylon washers’)! I could not see a stepladder to enable adjustment either… (can nobody be bothered to do stage lighting these days)?

I wish that someone was there to volunteer to set up lights… push a few faders, learn very gradual, laid-back DMX mixer wash-lighting with permission! …A regular punter or Music Technology or BIMM student for course credits?

Blow cool white! …I want to try warm, golden/rose lighting again… to give a slight sun-tan feel and a contrasting cool-blue background! It means trouble… adrenalin makes the ‘macho man’ kick-in… some performers don’t like generic A36 Pink stage wash!


‘His Nibbs’

Post time: Jun-15-2017