Japan train accident | Thunder strike train JAPAN NEWS (MUST WATCH THIS) | Nature Battle

This is the real scene ever captured on the CAMERA.
Lighting Strikes Japanese Train

Lightning Strikes Train During Tokyo Thunderstorm
Lightning Strike Electrifies Train in Japan.
According to the video’s, the thrilling and terrifying scene was filmed near an Odakyu Electric Railway station Monday around 7 p.m. and the local media report everybody that no one was injured in the incident but however the lightning strike did surely cause some power outages and train delays but later it was again on it’s track for there next destination.

The Odakyu Electric Railway train was traveling from Izumi-Tamagawa Station en route to Noborito Station. Just as the train began traversing the Tamagawa River, the body of water that separates Tokyo from Kanagawa Prefecture, the train takes a direct hit from a bolt of lightning. The train itself is made of metal, but it didn’t help much that it was on a metallic railway bridge over a body of water.

One of the lucky Japanese resident was able to capture some really true moment of the real nature mother.

A lightning bolt can reach towards its target in less time than it takes any person to blink. As the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration notes, the channel of electrical charge is usually attracted to tall objects of the opposite charge — that’s why lightning often strikes trees, telephone poles and large metal objects.

The train was struck at approximately 7 p.m. and a man just happened to be filming the exact location of the strike, catching the entire incident on camera. If you take a look at the video, you can see flashes from distant lightning and hear thunder rumbling all around. Next, a train safely crosses the bridge as the lightning now moves on camera. Then, a second train approaches and the train takes a direct strike. Sparks can be seen near the front of the train as it slowly comes to a stop. According to reports from passengers, the train lost power and the inside of the carriages went dark. That same day, the Odakyu Electric Railway Company had to suspend operation of several trains due to lightning.

To avoid being hit by lightning, the Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends people follow the 30/30 rule. “If, after seeing lightning, you can’t count to 30 before hearing thunder, get inside a building immediately (becaause the lightning storm is close). And don’t go outside until 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder,” LiveScience explains in its how-to guide.
Huge thunder storm in Japan, train takes a direct hit

The Telegraph reports the train was traveling from the Izumi-Tamagawa Station to Noborito Station Monday evening over a railway bridge. Passengers onboard said the cars went dark temporarily. There were no reported injuries and the train was able to move again after 10 minutes.
Lightning Strikes Train During Tokyo Thunderstorm

Post time: Jun-14-2017