OW Competitive is Nuts // Ranks 45 – 50 [1st Round]

just a quick video i put together of an overwatch match that got pretty intense during the first round

featuring my friend,
Grimms // https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYIe5c90lc9tG-zHRUR669A //
who i was duo group queuing with
i was the highest rank in the match at 50, tho we were still put as the underdogs + the 1st round alone lasted 10:28 and i didnt even rank up from this match

also during capture of the first point u may notice a genji activating his ult and then we dont see him again, thats because he was chasing me around the bell before he was finally taken out


Recorded with OBS Studio
Edited in Sony Vegas Pro 12
Song is Tobu – Candyland // https://www.youtube.com/c/tobuofficial //

Post time: Jun-13-2017