Spiderweb Grille Installation – 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe – etrailer.com


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installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Today on this 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe we are going to install part number P303158 from Putco. This is their Putco liquid billet grille. In this particular unit we are going to install their spiderweb version. What this product does is it actually mounts on the top of the existing grille you have so you do not have to remove any parts at all. It is pretty easy to install you just have to loosen the grille up to get some working room but that is about it. The first thing we need to do is open the hood. The grille that is going to fit on top of this grille, the mounting point is right about this area so to get to that we are going to have to reach in from the top and over. It is really kind of hard to do with the space we have so that is why we are going to loosen up the grille. To do that we have got a series of bolts on the top to undo. It is really easy stuff. Basically we just need about one inch of room and we are good to go. 00:52

Give it a quick test fit. Install the bolt then slip behind the grille and install this little plate. The nuts on the plate back here are nylon lock nuts so you have got a little bit of a drag when you install the bolt. It will get drawn up just enough to hold everything in place we will go over to the other side and repeat the same process. On the lower grille there is just one on each side and there are two on the top that makes our four. So once we have it set the way we want it, maybe a little bit left and right to center it. Once you have it the way you want it snug these bolts down. You do not have to crush them, just enough to draw the two grilles together. It is looking good already. Lets do the top half now. Put the whole grille assembly back into position and put those bolts back in. We have got our bolts snugged down finger tight. Now lets give them a quick turn with a wrench and we will be good to go. Within ten minutes time we have already changed the look of this truck. With that, that finishes our install of part number P303158 from Putco.

Post time: Jun-14-2017